Let me start this post with my favorite word. FUCK
I really don't recall if I mentioned this or not but starting this semester I have to take my third language. And we, the students, also get the privilege of choosing the teachers we want to study under. Except of course that my section isn't the teachers' cup of tea and so most of them withdrew themselves from our section. And we only have a handful of teachers in the whole section. But here's a fun fact, the teachers are paid double to attend our classes than they are to attend the philology section [if you didn't know, I am part of the Applied Modern Languages section, which is translator and interpreter in one]. And it doesn't just end with the teachers. The secretaries yell at us or throw us out and we have to bring them flowers and chocolates just to tame them a bit. Yet it never happened the same with the philology section. It makes me wonder...
Alas ..here's the biggest shit we received from the university. The philology section has practically all its students under budget. They need to have over 400 credits to be under budget. It doesn't even matter that said students passed all their exams or not. The applied modern languages section has around 10 students under budget, out of over 100. We need to have over 620 credits to be under budget. And it's not even 10 students per language oh dear god no. There are 4 students from French, one from German, one from Russian and some other. And if it happens for one of them to fail an exam, buh bye budget.
And the classes are so tough. Now that the third language will be added, I don't know what to expect from there either.
However, I have no regrets that I'm in this section. Regardless of all that shit. They can just suck my chibi penis.
Now that I am calmer ..I'll go drink my tea. It's called Vanilla Kisses. So sweet, huh?